
Iney Frank Quote

A bell is not a bell
until you ring it.
A song is not a song
until you sing it.

The love in your heart
was not put there to stay.
Love is not love
until you give it away.

- Unknown

Thursday, December 1, 2011

An Expat Thanksgiving

Yes, I celebrated Thanksgiving this year!  As a new friend, Fr. John, from Boston said, ¨this holiday is sufficiently important as a reminder to us Americans, that we must celebrate it wherever we are¨.

My dear friend, Nancy, drove me to an import supermarket to buy turkey, yams, cranberry jelly and pumpkin.  For three days I felt like a six year old waiting to Christmas.  I made decorations with cardboard and crayons, made place cards listing on the back the little gifts my housemates give for which I am thankful, then i cooked, and cooked, and cooked.  And I prepared Thanksgiving Day prayers to pray before we ate, with Joy´s help to rewrite my terrible Spanish grammar.  We had a real southern Thanksgiving dinner complete with stuffing a pumpkin pie and a guest.  It was so much fun! 

All week I though about the things for which I am thankful!  I am thankful for my family full of love and support for me and for the love I have for each of them.  I am thankful for my 20+ years full of life, excitement, joy and struggle which brought me here.  I am thankful for my friends who continue to love me, teach me, and encourage me.  I am thankful to be here with such precious companions who show me kindness and patience everyday.  I am thankful for my new friends who loved me before they had time to get to know me and who are showing me a new side of the beauty of life.  And I am thankful to have the opportunity to write this today, to be able to write it and to be able to post it.   My heart is full of gratitude!

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